# Oasis Info
## Brief description
Two artists who explore the limits of modern computing and design alternatives while sailing around the world.
## Websites
Main Website - https://100r.co/site/home.html
Mastodon - https://merveilles.town/@rek
Mastodon - https://merveilles.town/@neauoire
## Content
## Love Note
I love the sheer amount of documentation of an unusual lifestyle - sailing, low-power computer, alternative interfaces. I also love how they apply open source to their tools and content; their site is a great example of showing your work and how it's changed over time, and they give you the tools to run your own if you want.
# Personal Info
## Name
Albert Wavering
## Personal Links
## Personal Description
I spent ten years looking at numbers on screens as an analytics consultant. Now I'm taking a break and writing a book to help other people take breaks.