# Oasis Info
## Brief description
For more than 17 years, Tina Roth's blog has managed to skate above the trends in digital media — pivots to social content, video, outrage peddling, and all the rest — to remain exactly what it started out as: a simple design blog featuring an assortment of things that made her smile, look, and think.
## Websites
Blog - https://www.swiss-miss.com/
Twitter -:https://twitter.com/swissmiss
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/swissmiss/
## Content
Her Friday link packs are my favorite: https://www.swiss-miss.com/link-pack
## Love Note
I’ve been reading Tina's blog site since 2010. Few other blogs have remained so consistent for so long. I love that I still type “swiss-miss” into my web browsers rather than finding the content through social platforms as is the industry standard. I love that Tina has managed to skate above the trends in digital media — pivots to social content, video, outrage peddling, and all the rest — to remain exactly what it started out as: a simple design blog featuring an assortment of things that made her smile, look, and think. It feels old-school and cozy in a beautiful way.
# Personal Info
## Name
## Personal Links
## Personal Description
building a more sublime internet